Spartan Connect FormLoading...Starting college can be exciting and overwhelming, but we are here to help! New students are encouraged to complete this form to get connected to resources to prepare for a successful start to college. After the form is submitted, a success navigator or an academic advisor will follow up if there are questions or requests for assistance. First NameLast NameBirthdateBirthdateJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031196019611962196319641965196619671968196919701971197219731974197519761977197819791980198119821983198419851986198719881989199019911992199319941995199619971998199920002001200220032004200520062007200820092010Star IDEmail AddressMobile Phone NumberWhat is your preferred method to be contacted by the college?What is your preferred method to be contacted by the college?Cell phone callHome phone callEmailTextWhich statement best describes your language background?Which statement best describes your language background?I am a native speaker of English or fluent in EnglishI am learning English and would like to improve my EnglishWhat campus are you attending?Detroit LakesFergus FallsMoorheadOnlineWadenaWhat is your intended major?AccountingAccounting ClerkAccounting Transfer PathwayAdvanced Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration - HVAC/RAdvanced Practice EsthiologyAgribusinessAmerican Sign Language and Deaf StudiesAmerican Sign Language Pre-Interpreting ProgramAmerican Sign Language StudiesArchitectural DraftingArchitectural Drafting and DesignArt Transfer PathwayAutomotive Service TechnologyBiology Transfer PathwayBusinessBusiness AdministrationBusiness Transfer PathwayChild & Adolescent Therapeutic Behavioral HealthComputer ProgrammingConstruction ManagementCorrectional OfficerCosmetologyCriminal JusticeCybersecurityDental AssistingDental HygieneDesign and Engineering TechnologyDiesel Equipment TechnologyDigital MarketingEarly ChildhoodEarly Childhood Education Transfer PathwayElectrical Line Worker TechnologyElectrical Technology: ElectricianElementary Education Transfer PathwayEngineeringEntrepreneurialEnvironmental ScienceEstheticianGlobal and Intercultural StudiesGraphic DesignHair TechnicianHealth Information Technology/CodingHealth Sciences Broad FieldHeating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration - HVAC/RHistory Transfer PathwayHuman ResourcesInformation TechnologyIntegrated and Professional StudiesLiberal Arts & SciencesLiberal Arts & Sciences (Social Science Emphasis)Limited Scope RadiographyMassage TherapyMedical CodingMedical Laboratory TechnologyMusicNail TechnicianNursing: Associate Degree NursingNursing: LPN to Associate Degree Nursing BridgePayroll SpecialistPhlebotomy TechnicianPlumbing TechnologyPolitical Science Transfer PathwayPost Secondary Education OptionPowerSports TechnologyPractical Nursing DiplomaPsychology Transfer PathwayRadiologic TechnologySonography-Echocardiography TechnologySport ManagementSurgical TechnologyUndecidedVisual ArtsHow confident are you with your intended major?How confident are you with your intended major?Very confidentSomewhat confidentNot confidentDo you have a specific career chosen?No - I am uncertain of my future career.Maybe - I am interested in two or three careers.Yes - I plan to beOther - Please explainMy two or three career interests areMy chosen career isOther - please explainSemester startingSpring 2024Summer 2024Fall 2024Spring 2025Summer 2025Fall 2025Spring 2026Summer 2026Fall 2026Spring 2027Summer 2027Fall 2027Spring 2028Summer 2028Fall 2028Spring 2029Summer 2029Fall 2029Prior to Fall 1997Fall 1997Spring 1998Summer 1998Fall 1998Spring 1999Summer 1999Fall 1999Spring 2000Summer 2000Fall 2000Spring 2001Summer 2001Fall 2001Spring 2002Summer 2002Fall 2002Spring 2003Summer 2003Fall 2003Spring 2004Summer 2004Fall 2004Spring 2005Summer 2005Fall 2005Spring 2006Summer 2006Fall 2006Spring 2007Summer 2007Fall 2007Spring 2008Summer 2008Fall 2008Spring 2009Summer 2009Fall 2009Spring 2010Summer 2010Fall 2010Spring 2011Summer 2011Fall 2011Spring 2012Summer 2012Fall 2012Spring 2013Summer 2013Fall 2013Spring 2014Summer 2014Fall 2014Spring 2015Summer 2015Fall 2015Spring 2016Summer 2016Fall 2016Spring 2017Summer 2017Fall 2017Spring 2018Summer 2018Fall 2018Spring 2019Summer 2019Fall 2019Spring 2020Summer 2020Fall 2020Spring 2021Summer 2021Fall 2021Spring 2022Summer 2022Fall 2022Spring 2023Summer 2023Fall 2023I am planning to register as a I am planning to register as a Full-time Student (12+credits, 4-5 courses)Part-time Student (1-11 credits, 1-3 courses)UnsureHow do you plan on taking classesHow do you plan on taking classesOnlineCampusCombination of Campus and OnlineMy preferred course schedule is (check all that apply):My preferred course schedule is (check all that apply):8AM - 1PM1PM - 6PM6PM - 9PMI plan to work while taking classesI plan to work while taking classesNo, I will not be workingYes, part-timeYes, full-timeI have submitted my FAFSAYesNoUnsureI have submitted my FAFSAI have financial aid questionsI have financial aid questionsI had an IEP or 504 plan in high schoolI had an IEP or 504 plan in high schoolI would like help exploring careersI would like help exploring careersI would like to learn more about tutoring and study supportI would like to learn more about tutoring and study supportI have questions about my eligibility to use veteran benefitsI have questions about my eligibility to use veteran benefitsI would like to know more about campus activities and how to get involved.I would like to know more about campus activities and how to get involved.Let us know if you have any needs by ranking the following from a current need (help now) to no need (I'm good).Access to a computerHelp nowOK, might need help in futureI'm goodAccess to a computerChildcareChildcareClothingClothingFinancialFinancialFoodFoodHousingHousingMental HealthMental HealthTransportationTransportationWiFiWiFiOtherOtherPlease describe any other requests for resources we can help get you connected with to prepare for college.Comments: By submitting this form you are agreeing to receive text messages from M State (218-396-7282). 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